Landowner: Dr. Thomas Gilbert
Location: Culpeper, VA
Protected Land: 334 acres

The Land Trust of Virginia recorded an easement on Gilbert Farm, a historically significant 334 acre property in Culpeper County. Most of the Gilbert Farm is largely within the core area of the Civil War Battle of Cedar Mountain (1862) as defined by the American Battlefield Protection Program (NPS). The battle took place in Culpeper County on August 9, 1862, during the Northern Virginia Campaign. Major General Nathaniel Banks led the Union troops, the Confederates were under the direction of Major General Thomas J. Jackson.
The Battle of Cedar Mountain is also known as the Battle of Slaughter’s Mountain or Cedar Run. The battle was the only recorded time in the war that “Stonewall” Jackson drew his sword. The five-hour fight was intense and a narrow victory for the Confederates. It was the bloodiest day in Culpeper County history, with more than 2,700 killed and wounded on both sides. A total of 24,898 troops were engaged and there were an estimated 2,707 casualties before victory was had by the Confederacy.
Additionally, Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, performed her first field duty at the Battle of Cedar Mountain. Historians considered Cedar Mountain to be the opening salvo assault of the Second Manassas Campaign. The Farm is largely within the core area of this historically-significant Civil War battlefield and protecting the Farm will ensure that a large portion of the Cedar Mountain Battlefield is retained in a state that closely resembles conditions present at the time of the battle in August 1862.
The Land Trust of Virginia partners with private landowners who voluntarily protect and preserve properties with significant historic, scenic and ecological value to benefit the community through conservation easements. Lands in easement stay in private hands and contribute to important segments of our agricultural and tourism economies as well as cleaner air and water. Founded nearly a quarter-century ago, the organization is a non-profit organization that relies upon the generosity of the community and landowners to fulfill its mission.